Our Aim is to Speak Where the Bible Speaks and Be Silent Where the Bible is Silent
Website of the Major Drive Church of Christ
Welcome to our website . . .
Jesus promised in Matthew 16:18 that he would build his church. Its coming had been a subject of Old Testament prophecy (Is. 2:1-4; Dan. 2:44; Joel 2:28), and both John the Baptist and Jesus announced early in their ministeries that it was "at hand" (Matt. 3:3; 4:17). These promises and prophecies found their fulfillment in Acts 2 (see the article, "The Beginning," under "The Church" heading on the "Articles # 1" page), and from that day forward the church is spoken of as a present reality. The terms "church" and "kingdom" are used interchangeably by Jesus in Matt. 16:18 and 19.
You will find sufficient material on this website to provide a better understanding of the two subjects treated (and related subjects). At the same time, it will help instill a greater appreciation of the relationship that exists between Christ and the church. Christ is after all the builder (Matt. 16:18), head (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18), and foundation (1 Cor. 3:11) of the church, and he loved it so much that He gave himself up for it and is the Savior of the body (Acts 20:28; Eph. 5:2, 23) .